
The 5-month DTS is a wonderful way to practice the vision of YWAM: to know God and make Him known. It is for all of us who seek to follow Jesus in a new way and from different perspectives. You will learn more about how to live a life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. DTS also gives you the chance to get to know more about your passions and your part in God’s purpose.

The course is normally a full-time program and is divided into two parts: the “Lecture-Phase” and “Outreach”. The DTS is the first basic course of the “University of the Nation” and offers you the opportunity to go beyond in many secondary schools. It is possible to attend this school in many different YWAM-bases throughout the world.

upcoming School












Run for God.
Get to know him.
Make Him known.

If that is you heart and desire, than a DTS is made for you. A DTS, a Discipleship Training School, is a 6 month program that will radically transform your life by deepining your relationship with Jesus on a deeper and more intimate level, so deep that you cannot stop to tell the people around you about HIM.

Our next school starts on 28. September 2023 – More Information soon!

Lecture Phase


The first three months of your DTS will be the Lecture Phase. Three months full of opportunities to learn, relate and serve. Three months to dive deeper and deeper into your relationship with Jesus and to become clear about yourself and your identity. For this you can expect great teachings from speakers and missionaries from all over the world. They will challenge you, make you curious, provoke you and increase your knowledge about our Creator. But the Lecture Phase is not only about teachings: you will build relationships, get to know Galicia and have many other opportunities to grow.

Possible Topics could be:

| Hearing God’s voice
| Nature & Character of God
| Father Heart of God
| Identity in Christ
| Biblical Worldview
| Missions & Evangelism
| Culture

One of the most important parts of DTS is about relationship. On the one side you will have one-on-one discipleship. These times will allow you to process what you’re learning about God in a safe environment. One-on-ones are usually held with a DTS staff member, someone who is with you throughout the entire lecture phase.

On the other side you will live 5 months in community with all the other students. You will grow together and challange each other, but you will also build really deep relationships. And you will also have small groups held with other DTS students. Here, your aim is to  relax, just have fun and enjoy yourself.

A key part of character development is serving those around us. A part of DTS is working to keep the YWAM community functioning, while teaching teamwork and dedication. Whether it is gardening, cleaning, reception, or something else, this side of DTS helps you become a part of the community of YWAM around you.



The next two months there will be the Outreach. Here your goal is to set in practice, what you learned and receieved before. Each outreach is unique and what God has created for us. It is not about us, it is about him and his way to use us as his disciples. Until now we went to the Way of St. James, India, Portugal, Galicia and virtually to Germany. It depends a lot on the country, but you will havea lot of different opportunities to serve in that country: Evangelism, helping in soup kitchen, serve in churches and a lot more.

A Day in the DTS


Imagine you are now in the DTS. How will a day look like? Actually it depends a lot on your specific DTS, but there some things that will not change. But we want to give you an idea how a day in the Lecture Phase can look like. Actually the Outreaches are to unique to give you such an overview.
You will wake up in the morning together with the other students in your room.
Your day starts with the breakfast and after the breakfast you will have a personal time with a word of the bible and God. It is your personal time with God and his word – we call it Meditation or Devotional.

You are afraid about such a time?
Don’t worry you will learn about it in the beginning.

Here you will meet the married students, who don’t live in the base. We start with a worship or intercession time, to listen to Him.
After it will we will have lecture. Every week has another topic and speaker. You will have a break to relax,  eat something, have a little walk,or a conversation with the speaker or your classmates.
The morning time will end with the nice smell of the lunch, that our cooks, Thiago and Ieda, has prepared for us.

After a wunderful lunch, hopefully with a joyful “postre” you will have to do your work ministry. Maybe you are in the garden or you help cleaning the kitchen, there is always something to do.

After that maybe you will have some freetime, a local ministry, a second teachings, a workshop, something to prepare or something completly else. It depends on the day and your DTS.

On some days of the week there will be something fix in the evening, like the small group. Here we relax together as a group. Maybe we go on a little trip to Vigo, playing board games, we discuss about the topic or something else.After those meetings you will have dinner – Yes you read right. We are in Spain and in Spain we eat lately. First it will be strange for you but you will easily get used to it and after your time is over you don’t want to change it anymore.



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Callejon de Rios, 12 (physical)
Fragata Villa De Madrid, 2 (comercial)
36955 Moaña, Pontevedra
